As an #SMB or home based business ( including remote workers ) there are 3 main protections that you need against #cyber attack:
– Correctly installed,configured and updated #firewall
– Good, up to date anti-virus software
– Lujam Cyber protection
Lujam is a Cambridge Wireless Finalist !!
LuJam Cyber provides a subscription based security service priced attractively for SMEs.
It is complementary to firewalls and anti-virus software, detecting otherwise uncovered security threats including those associated with IoT devices.
A sensor audits, reports and alerts on network activity, provides visibility of unauthorised devices, the use of cloud services and blocks access to high-risk areas of the Internet.
Unlike enterprise products, the service offers a jargon free customer experience ensuring a business owner with little appreciation of cyber security can understand and address identified cyber threats.
Richard Branson notes the rise of the remote worker in this article here.
Volunteers are Needed – For a Free Cyber Security Trial !!!
who … e.g.
Regularly use Internet & Cloud based Services
Have networked printers, scanners, IP phones, CCTV cameras, TVs & IoT devices
Use & want to audit Social Media
Want to ensure they are not participating in Cyber Crime Botnets
are concerned about unauthorised access to their network and resources
Need to detect malicious email attachments
Need to detect malware infections
Register and get more details on website here >>